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Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Sitchin and the Bible -- What Do They Have in Common?

Writer: Rob MazakRob Mazak

This article is about the story of a King named Gilgamesh, his newfound friendship with Enkidu, and his journey to find the secret to restoring the life that his friend lost. The account of Gilgamesh it littered with great symbolism and simile which lends alignment with great writings such as the Bible and Zecharia Sitchin.

Analysis of Gilgamesh’s account can certainly take numerous different avenues of approach. Gilgamesh brings to life simile, or similarities, of other great literary works such as our great Christian Bible and the works of Zecharia Sitchin. This story is also packed with symbolism and metaphors that can be related to many life lessons. I want to delve into the translations by Zecharia Sitchin, which outlined the creation and manipulation of a primitive humans, by the Ancient Aliens named the Annunaki. Additionally, I want to discuss similarities to Biblical events as the story of Gilgamesh portrays.

The author states that the story of Gilgamesh was translated from very old stone tablets found near Ninevah. Writing on the tablets was in a cuneiform style and required special skill and experience to form a proper translation. I am certain that there are many who have applied their own translation to these tablets, however, the most famous of them seem to be Zecharia Sitchin. The premise of the translation refers to astronauts, or aliens to this world, who visit the earth every 3,600 years due the close earth passing of their planet named Niburu. This planet has a very long orbit that goes way out past Pluto and swings around the earth on the way back out into deep space. These beings, which appear to be much like humans, would come here in their ships, set up “airports” and begin production to mine gold which keeps their planet alive. To shorten the story, the males of the beings began having relations with the “daughters of men” and have half breed children, or Demi Gods as they are noted in the account of Gilgamesh. The author noted that Gilgamesh have the rights of a King because he was a Demi God who was three quarters God. The term God is used because the beings of Niburu, named the Annunaki, were considered Gods to the primitive humans that were initially inhabiting the earth. These Gods were highly developed and were able to manipulate the primitive humans to be able to do the mining work; and these initial beings, the Adam, were not “aware”. Unauthorized manipulation by Sin, whom Gilgamesh mentions in this story, was the scientist who made a new strain of humans who were aware. The leader of the Annunaki, Anu, was so upset by this manipulation and the corruption of the new human race, he decided to cause a great flood to wipe out the species to start over. As you guessed it, Sin, did not all his creation to perish, so he chose one man and his family and gave him instructions on how to escape this great flood. I believe that the Bible picked up on the “original sin” of man by misinterpreting this account or by purposely using it to depict the treacheries of sex. It appears that the account of Gilgamesh was depicted after the great flood; remember in the story that the man he spoke with on the far side of the sea of death, was the Biblical Noah, but of course he had a different name in this story.

Something else that both stories have in common is the changing, or making aware, the primitive Adam, by the temptation of a woman. Adam in the Bible and Enkidu in the account of Gilgamesh were both seduced by a woman causing them to become aware of themselves and change into a “man”. It seems that the Garden of Eden in the Bible and the place where Enkidu resided were extremely similar in nature; both Adam and Enkidu lived among the animals, ate like the animals, drank like the animals, and essentially were animals in a human form. This comparison is not to say that women have been the bearer of bad news, nor is this about the power of the women to create or change lives. I believe that the woman represents the life-giving nature of their genetic makeup, both by birthing a life, but also by using their innate abilities to open the minds of men. I find it interesting that the Bible utilizes an apple as temptation versus the actual effect of a woman in the story of Gilgamesh. Within the definition of an apple, is the term, “apple of one’s eye” which means one that is highly cherished. Speaking from a man’s view, women are definitely the apple of a man’s eye’

There is also some interesting symbology within this story. The story of the Annunaki also has accounts of many space ports where they could land and take off in their rocket ships. These space ports were well protected by highly advanced technology such as electrically charged fencing and laser technology that could detect and destroy anyone that was unauthorized entry to that area. As Gilgamesh and Enkidu made their way to the dangerous forest, they encountered these very things. Enkidu tried to warn Gilgamesh about how every little sound and movement was picked up and unauthorized visitors would be essentially vaporized. Additionally, Enkidu was electrocuted by a touching a high voltage entrance gate, which cause one of his hands and arm not to work any longer; this also eventually became his demise. The creature that approached them was described more like a robot, than a living creature. It sounds a lot like highly advanced technology to me, much like Zecharia Sitchin discussed in his writings. Strangely enough, the Bible annotates this kind of technology when the Ark of the Covenant was described. Documented within the covers of the Bible are the proper procedures for handling this ark, and the demise of those who did not handle it properly. The Ark would kill a human instantly, and the Bible accounts of these deaths sound very similar to the account of Enkidu being electrocuted with high voltage.

I could probably go on for days analyzing Gilgamesh, however, I will digress. I will conclude by saying that the story of Gilgamesh, the Bible, and the writings of Zecharia Sitchin align in very striking and similar ways. It makes one wonder how all this documentation could coincide when they were written thousands, if not millions, of years apart.




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